35+ Fruits That Start With G – With Descriptions

This list of fruits all start with the letter G.

From the sprawling gardens of Europe to the groves of Southeast Asia, the letter ‘G’ graces us with a glorious variety of fruits.

Some are globally renowned, while others remain gems in their native regions, waiting to be discovered.

Each ‘G’ fruit garners attention with its unique flavor, texture, or story. Let’s embark on this gastronomic journey, savoring the gourmet delights of the ‘G’ fruits:

List of Fruits That Start With G

Gala Apples: Crisp, sweet, and juicy, they’re perfect for snacking, baking, or juicing.

Gooseberry: Often found in jams, jellies, and desserts, these small, tangy berries come in various colors and have a rich nutritional profile.

Grape: Globally popular, grapes come in various colors and are enjoyed fresh, dried (as raisins), or as wine.

Guava: Sweet with a hint of tartness, guavas are tropical fruits that offer a burst of refreshing flavor.

Grapefruit: A citrus fruit, known for its slightly bitter and sour taste, it’s packed with vitamins.

Grenadilla (Passion Fruit): With a juicy interior filled with seeds, it offers a sweet-tart taste and is often used in beverages and desserts.

Guabiju: Native to South America, this small fruit has a sweet taste and is often eaten fresh or used in jellies.

Guava Berry (Rumberry): These berries are aromatic, sweet, and slightly tart, often turned into wine or liqueurs.

Guavaberry: Found in the Caribbean, it’s used to make the festive guavaberry rum.

Goji Berry: Often consumed dried, these small, red berries are known for their antioxidant properties.

Green Banana: Used in various cuisines while still unripe; they’re starchy and are often boiled, fried, or baked.

Ground Cherry: Resembling small tomatoes, they’re sweet and tangy, often used in jams, jellies, and pies.

Goumi Berry: Native to Asia, these bright red berries are both sweet and astringent.

Genip: Found in the Caribbean, this fruit has a sweet and tangy pulp surrounding a large seed.

Golden Apple: Not to be confused with the Spondias variety, it’s a tropical fruit with a crisp texture and a balance of sweet and tart flavors.

Granadillo: With a hard outer shell and sweet inner pulp, it’s related to the passion fruit.

Greengage Plum: A variety of plum known for its green color and sweet taste.

Groundnut: Though it’s a tuber, it bears a fruit that encases its seeds.

Guabiroba: Native to Brazil, this fruit offers a mix of sweet and bitter flavors.

Guapinol (Stinking Toe): Despite its off-putting name, it has a pulp that is sweet and creamy.

Guarana: Known for its seeds that contain caffeine, it’s often used as a stimulant or in energy drinks.

Guava (Psidium guajava): A common tropical fruit known for its sweet and fragrant flesh.

Guaruma: A fruit native to Central and South America, typically consumed fresh or in beverages.

Gubinge (Kakadu Plum): Found in Australia, it’s reputed to have the world’s highest Vitamin C content.

Gulupa (Purple Passionfruit): A smaller, purple variety of the passionfruit, it’s sweet with a hint of tartness.

Gumi: A small red or yellow berry with a tart flavor.

Gunda: Used in pickles in parts of India, this fruit is sticky and has a unique aroma.

Guarango: Native to Andean regions, it’s often used in traditional medicine.

Gympie-Gympie Fruit: Hailing from Australia, the plant is notorious for its stinging hairs, but the fruit is edible once cooked.

Galanga (Blue Ginger Fruit): While the rhizome is more popularly used in cooking, it does bear a fruit.

Giant Granadilla: A larger variant of the passionfruit, it’s aromatic with a mildly sweet taste.

Golden Berry (Physalis): With a flavor profile that’s a mix of tangy and sweet, they’re often consumed dried or fresh.

Giant Morus Fruit: A variety of mulberry that’s much larger and sweeter.

Guinep: Popular in the Caribbean, these small fruits have a juicy, sweet pulp surrounding a large seed.

Gac (Spiny Bitter Gourd): Native to Southeast Asia, it’s often used in traditional dishes and is known for its high beta-carotene content.

From the globally celebrated grapes to the geographically guarded guabiju, each fruit on this list stands as a testament to the globe’s gastronomic grandeur.

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