25+ Fruits That Start With N – With Descriptions

This list of fruits all start with the letter N.

This alphabetical exploration will introduce you to both familiar favorites and exotic wonders, each with its own unique flavor, texture, and history.

Whether you’re sampling the familiar zest of a navel orange or the exotic allure of nance, there’s a world of discovery awaiting.

List of Fruits That Start With N


Nagami Kumquat (Fortunella margarita): A small, oval fruit that can be eaten whole – skin and all! Its sweet rind complements its tart center.

Nance (Byrsonima crassifolia): A small, yellow fruit native to Central and South America, often used in jams or fermented into beverages.

Nangka (Artocarpus heterophyllus): More commonly known as jackfruit, it’s recognized by its large size and spiky outer shell. Inside, the sweet, yellow segments are both tasty and aromatic.

Naranjilla (Solanum quitoense): Also called “little orange,” it has a citrus flavor with a mix of pineapple and lime, and it’s native to South America.

Nashi Pear (Pyrus pyrifolia): Often called the Asian pear, it combines the crispness of an apple with the juiciness of a pear.

Natal Plum (Carissa macrocarpa): Native to South Africa, it produces red, juicy fruits with a taste reminiscent of cranberries and strawberries.

Neem (Azadirachta indica): More commonly known for its medicinal properties, the fruits are bitter and typically used for oils.

Nelli (Phyllanthus emblica): Another name for the Indian gooseberry, this fruit is extremely rich in vitamin C and has a sour taste.

Nere (Parkia biglobosa): Found in Africa, the seeds from this tree’s fruit are often fermented to make a locust bean condiment.

Nipa Palm Fruit (Nypa fruticans): A fruit found in the mangroves of the Pacific and Indian oceans, known for its sweet sap.

Noni (Morinda citrifolia): Recognized by its pungent aroma, this fruit is native to Southeast Asia and Australia, often turned into juice for its health benefits.

Nopal (Opuntia): The fruit of certain cactus species, also known as prickly pear. It’s sweet with a hint of tartness.

Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans): Technically a seed rather than a fruit, but it’s derived from the inner part of the fruit of the nutmeg tree. Used as a spice in many dishes.

Nyanya (Solanum lycopersicum): This is actually the Swahili word for tomato, which, scientifically speaking, is indeed a fruit!

Nzifruit (Actinidia chinensis): More commonly known as Kiwifruit or simply Kiwi, it’s a juicy, green fruit with a tangy flavor and edible seeds.

Nanceberry (Byrsonima lucida): A small fruit found in the Caribbean, it’s yellow-orange with a somewhat musky flavor.

Nirgundi (Vitex negundo): While the plant is more famous for its medicinal properties, it does produce small, aromatic fruits.

Njangsa (Ricinodendron heudelotii): Native to West Africa, the seeds of this fruit are ground and used as a spice in traditional dishes.

Nutmeg Apple (Diospyros blancoi): Despite its name, it isn’t related to the nutmeg spice. It’s a sweet, creamy fruit native to the Philippines.

Nux Vomica (Strychnos nux-vomica): This tree produces a fruit with seeds that are historically used in traditional medicine, but be cautious! The seeds contain strychnine, which is poisonous.

Nonda Plum (Parinari nonda): Native to Australia, it’s a small, sour fruit that is eaten both raw and cooked.

Navel Orange (Citrus sinensis): A popular type of orange known for its ‘belly-button’ like formation opposite the stem end.

Norfolk Island Hibiscus (Lagunaria patersonia): Despite its name, it’s not a true hibiscus. The fruit has a cotton-like substance inside.

Northern Blackcurrant (Ribes hudsonianum): A North American variety of blackcurrant, it’s used in jellies, syrups, and other preparations.

Naranjilla Fruit (Solanum quitoense): A small, green fruit with a citrusy flavor, found in the highlands of South America.


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