Positive Words That Start With T (With Definitions)

Positive words that start with T can have a powerful impact on how we think and feel.

By using words such as triumph, trustworthiness, truthfulness, tenacity, togetherness, tolerance and transparency, we can help create an environment of understanding, acceptance and respect that allows for differences in opinion, beliefs or behavior.

Positive Words Starting With t

List of Positive Words Starting With T

Tact – Skillful handling of delicate situations or relationships.

Tactful – having the ability to deal with difficult situations in a respectful manner.

Talent – A natural ability or skill in doing something.

Talented – having natural ability or skill in a particular field or activity.

Teamwork – The combined efforts of people working together towards a common goal.

Teeming – Abundant, full of life and activity.

Temerity – Courageousness and boldness when faced with danger or difficult situations.

Temperance – Self-restraint, moderation, self-control, and restraint when it comes to indulgence in desires or behavior.

Tempered – Restrained and controlled; having patience and understanding.

Tenacious– Having the ability to persist in a challenging task or situation despite difficulties.

Tenaciousness – Having the ability to persist in a challenging task or situation despite difficulties.

Tenacity – having strength and firmness of purpose; persistent determination.

Tender– Displayed emotion that is caring, gentle, and compassionate.

Tenderness – Displayed emotion that is caring, gentle, and compassionate.

Terrific – Very great, excellent, or impressive.

Thankful – expressing gratitude for what one has been given.

Thankfulness – Expressing gratitude for what one has been given.

Thorough – Done with great care, accuracy and detail.

Thoroughness– Being meticulous, precise, complete and careful in one’s work or actions.

Thoughtful– Acting with consideration for the feelings or needs of others.

Thoughtfulness – Acting with consideration for the feelings or needs of others.

Thriftiness – The quality of being frugal; saving and using resources wisely.

Thrifty – Careful with money and other resources.

Thrill – Feeling intense excitement or exhilaration.

Thrilled – Feeling a great joy and excitement.

Thrilling – feeling intense excitement or exhilaration.

Thriving – doing well; succeeding.

Timeless – not bound by time; always relevant regardless of age or current trends.

Timelessness– Not bound by time; always relevant regardless of age or current trends.

Timely – Being prompt, punctual and completing tasks on time.

Together– United and joined in a particular activity or interest.

Togetherness – The quality of being close to someone else; unity and solidarity.

Tolerance– Understanding and appreciation of others that allows for differences in opinion, beliefs, or behavior.

Tolerant – accepting diverse views and beliefs without judgement.

Tough – Determined, resilient and never giving up.

Tough-Love – An approach that combines kindness and understanding with firm guidance and discipline.

Tough-minded– Having a steadfastness and strength of character; being determined and resilient.

Toughness – Fortitude, strength of character, and resilience.

Tranquil – Calm and serene; peaceful.

Tranquility– Peacefulness of mind; quiet and calmness.

Transcendent – Going beyond the limits of ordinary experience or possibility; extraordinary.

Transformation – A marked change in character, form, or condition.

Transformative – having the power to change things for the better.

Transparency– Openness and honesty in communication and dealings with others.

Treasure – Something very valuable that is deeply appreciated or valued for its importance or worthiness.

Treasured – deeply appreciated or valued for its importance or worthiness.

Tremendous – exceptionally large in size, number, or intensity.

Tremendousness– A tremendous amount of something; exceptionally large in size, number, or intensity.

Triumph– A great achievement or success after overcoming an obstacle.

Triumphant – Feeling victorious after successfully overcoming an obstacle.

Trust – having faith in someone else; believing in another’s reliability.

Trusting – having faith in another’s reliability and truthfulness.

Trustworthiness– Being dependable and reliable.

Trustworthy – someone who can be relied upon to do what they say they will do, and keep their promises.

Trusty – Someone who can be relied upon to do what they say they will do and keep their promises.

Truthful – being honest and real; speaking the truth.


For more lists of positive words, check out:

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