14 Fruits That Start With X – With Descriptions

This list of fruits all start with the letter X.

The letter ‘X’ is one of the least common initials for naming fruits, yet the few that do start with this letter are unique and often have a rich history and cultural significance.

Ranging from the tropical climates of Southeast Asia to the forests of Africa, these fruits often have flavors and uses that make them distinctive in the culinary world.

List of Fruits That Start With X


Xanthium: Also known as cocklebur, this fruit is more renowned for its botanical interest and traditional medicinal use than culinary value due to its spiny and potentially toxic nature.

Xaoy: A term with significance in specific dialects and regions, details of its characteristics and taste can vary based on the locale in which it’s found.

Xarel·lo: While technically a grape variety used in Spanish wine-making, particularly in Cava, its inclusion highlights the fruit’s acidic and floral notes contribution.

Xiangjiao: The Mandarin term for bananas, a universally adored fruit known for its creamy texture and sweet taste.

Xigua: Another name for watermelon, a beloved summer staple known for its refreshingly sweet and watery content.

Xilacayota Squash: A type of winter squash often featured in traditional Mexican dishes, it’s versatile in culinary use, much like its squash relatives.

Ximenia: Originating from a bush, these small fruits offer a sour punch and are enjoyed raw or transformed into jellies and jams.

Xing Zi: Mandarin for apricot, a golden orange fruit offering a delightful tang, enjoyable both in its fresh and dried form.

Xinomavro: A grape variety from northern Greece, mainly used to produce wines rich in tannins and complex flavors.

Xoài: The Vietnamese word for mango, a tropical fruit celebrated globally for its sweet and juicy flesh.

Xoconostle: A variant of the cactus pear but with a sourer profile, it hails from Mexico and features prominently in local salsas and sauces.

Xylocarp: A fruit reminiscent of coconuts, offering both refreshing water and a soft, edible inner part.

Xylocarpus Granatum: Known as the Cannonball Mangrove, it’s more a marvel of nature due to its hard, buoyant shell than a culinary delight.


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