35+ Fruits That Start With O – With Descriptions

This list of fruits all start with the letter O.

As we journey into the letter ‘O’, we’ll find ourselves introduced to a selection of fruits that are both enticing and unique.

While some might be well-known staples in households around the world, others are exquisite treasures waiting to be discovered.

List of Fruits That Start With O


Oca (Oxalis tuberosa): Native to South America, this tuber can be eaten raw or cooked and tastes slightly tangy and starchy.

Oil Palm Fruit: The source of palm oil, these fruits are small, reddish, and grow in large bunches on the oil palm tree.

Olive (Olea europaea): An ancient fruit, often consumed as oil or when fermented, comes in varieties like green, black, and kalamata.

Opuntia: Also known as prickly pear or sabra, it’s the fruit of the cactus plant and tastes like a cross between bubblegum and watermelon.

Orange (Citrus sinensis): A universally beloved citrus fruit, sweet and juicy, packed with vitamin C.

Orangelo (Chironja): A hybrid between a grapefruit and an orange, offering a sweet yet tangy flavor.

Ortanique: Another citrus hybrid, merging traits from tangerines and oranges.

Osage Orange (Maclura pomifera): While not typically eaten due to its strong, bitter taste, this fruit has a unique, wrinkled green appearance.

Otaheite Gooseberry (Phyllanthus acidus): Native to Southeast Asia, this small fruit is sour and often used in pickles and relishes.

Oval Kumquat (Fortunella margarita): Like other kumquats, the entire fruit is edible. It’s sweet, tangy, and bite-sized.

Owala (Spondias mombin): Found in tropical Americas, it’s a yellow, juicy fruit often consumed fresh or made into drinks.

Ogeechee Lime (Nyssa ogeche): Originating in the southeastern US, it’s a small, tart fruit that can be used in jellies.

Olive of Peru (Citharexylum spinosum): Not to be confused with the regular olive, this fruit is small, orange-red, and is often used in jellies.

Oregano: Surprising to many, oregano does produce tiny, purple, edible fruits.

Otaheite Apple: Also known as Malay apple or pommerac, this crimson to dark purple fruit is juicy and aromatic.

Othalanga (Cerbera odollam): Though this fruit is extremely poisonous and isn’t consumed, it’s notable for its appearances in various folklore stories.

Oval-Leafed Hawthorn (Crataegus elliptica): This produces small, red fruits that are often made into jellies.

Oregan Grape (Mahonia aquifolium): Despite its name, it’s not a grape. The fruit is tart and looks like small, blue grapes.

Osoberry (Oemleria cerasiformis): Native to the western US, its fruits resemble small cherries and are tart.

Orangequat: A hybrid between a kumquat and an orange, it’s small, sweet, and the entire fruit is edible.

Oleaster (Elaeagnus): Often referred to as Russian Olive or Autumn Olive, it’s a small, tangy fruit.

Orinoco Banana: A variant of banana, it’s large and has a sweet flavor.

Onion Tree Fruit (Cordia alliodora): While the tree is more famous for its wood, it does produce small, edible fruits.

Old World Sycamore (Ficus sycomorus): Unlike its New World counterpart, this sycamore produces an edible fig-like fruit.

Olive Plum (Cassine peragua): Found in South America, its small fruits are dark purple when ripe.

Osage Apple: Another name for Osage Orange; however, it isn’t typically consumed due to its bitterness.

Olive Bamboo (Oliveraiea): Bamboo species that bear edible fruit, a rare event in bamboo’s life cycle.

Ongokea Gore (Ongokea gore): Native to Africa, it’s mainly used for its oil.

Odika (Pentadiplandra brazzeana): Found in Africa, this fruit is known for its sweet taste.

Oohara (Citrus oohara): A type of citrus fruit native to Japan.

Opal Apple: A cultivar of apple known for its yellow skin and crispy texture.

Orangeberry (Glycosmis trifoliata): Small, translucent, orange-red berries found in Australia.

Oregon Grape (Mahonia): Despite the name, it’s not a grape. The fruit is tart and looks like small, blue grapes.

Oca Berry: From the wood-sorrel family, these berries are often used in desserts.

Olivilla (Noronhia emarginata): Found in Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands, the fruit is small and green, resembling a mini olive.

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