25 Fruits That Start With U – With Descriptions

This list of fruits all start with the letter U.

Many times, the beauty of nature lies in its diversity and the unexpected pleasures it offers.

The fruits starting with the letter ‘U’ are often unheralded, yet they present a blend of unique flavors and nutritional benefits.

From the tropical regions to the temperate zones, each ‘U’ fruit has its own story to tell. Let’s embark on this journey of discovery and appreciate these uncommon gems.

List of Fruits That Start With U


Ugli Fruit: A hybrid between a tangerine, grapefruit, and an orange, this Jamaican native offers a sweetly tart flavor with an underlying bitterness.

Ukulinga Fruit: Native to certain regions of Africa, this fruit has a mild taste, often eaten fresh or used in local desserts.

Ulluco: Mainly cultivated in the Andes, the tubers are colorful and have a texture similar to potatoes but with a nuttier flavor.

Umbu (or Imbu): Originating from Brazil, this fruit has a green exterior and a juicy, tangy, and sweet flavor reminiscent of apples and pears.

Unabi: Another term for the jujube fruit, it’s sweet with a hint of tartness and has been consumed in Asia for centuries.

Ugni (or Chilean Guava): A berry that looks similar to blueberries, it offers a sweet and aromatic taste, often used in jams and jellies.

Umbrella Fruit: Found in North America, this fruit clusters in a way that resembles an umbrella. It has a sweet taste and is often eaten fresh.

Urava: A tropical fruit native to certain regions of the Pacific, it’s known for its refreshing and mildly sweet flavor.

Urica: Grown in parts of South America, this fruit has a creamy texture with a taste profile that’s a blend between bananas and mangoes.

Urine Grapefruit: Despite its off-putting name, it’s simply a variety of grapefruit with a particularly juicy and tangy flavor.

Uvalha: Resembling a small tomato, this fruit offers a sweet taste with a hint of tartness, commonly found in Brazilian regions.

Uvaria: A fruit that’s part of the Annonaceae family, it has a sweet and mildly tangy flavor, often used in traditional dishes in parts of Asia.

Uvilla: A close relative to the gooseberry, it’s small, round, and offers a sweet-tart flavor.

Uwet: Consumed in regions of Indonesia, this fruit is known for its juicy texture and a balance of sweetness and acidity.

Ugni Molinae (or Tazziberry): Native to Chile, these are tiny, crimson-colored fruits with a sweet, aromatic flavor similar to wild strawberries.

Uapaca Fruit: This fruit grows on evergreen trees in parts of Africa and has a sour to sweet taste.

Uvuva: Often found in the southern regions of Africa, these fruits are small, round, and offer a pleasantly sweet flavor.

Upward Pear: A pear variety known for its upward growth direction and sweet, juicy taste.

Umbu-caja: Native to Brazil, this fruit is a cross between the umbu and caja fruit, offering a tangy yet sweet flavor.

Umbrella Pomegranate: A type of pomegranate that clusters its fruits, giving it an umbrella-like appearance. It’s sweet with a hint of tartness.

Upo (or Bottle Gourd): Though often used as a vegetable in cooking, it’s technically a fruit. Mild in taste, it absorbs the flavors of dishes it’s cooked in.

Utah Serviceberry: A North American berry that’s sweet and slightly tart, commonly used in jams and desserts.

Ugni Blanc Grape: Mainly used in wine-making, especially for Cognac, this grape offers a crisp and mildly sweet flavor.

Umbellata: Native to the African continent, it’s a type of wild melon with a refreshing taste.

Uptown Grape: A cultivated variety known for its sweet taste and firm texture, often eaten fresh or used in fruit salads.


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