Funny Words That Start With J (With Definitions)
List of Funny Words that Start with J:
Jabber: a verb indicating the act of talking rapidly or incessantly. It can also be used to describe someone who talks without saying anything meaningful or important.
Jabberwocky: a nonsense poem written by Lewis Carroll and featured in the famous book “Alice Through the Looking Glass”. It is often read as an example of whimsical, nonsensical language.
Jackanapes: a noun indicating a mischievous, disrespectful and/or pompous person. It is often used as an insult to describe someone who is acting in a childish manner.
Jackeroo: an informal term indicating a person who works on a farm, usually as an apprentice. It can also be used to describe someone who is learning the skills necessary to become a farmer or rancher.
Jackpot: an expression indicating a great success or a large prize. It is often used to describe something that has been achieved with little effort or luck.
Jactitation: an informal term meaning “boasting or bragging”. It can be used to describe someone who talks about themselves in an excessively proud manner.
Jacuzzi: an informal term indicating a hot tub or whirlpool bath. It is typically used to describe a large pool of warm water that is used for hydrotherapy and relaxation.
Jailbird: an informal term used to describe a person who has been imprisoned. It typically refers to someone who is currently serving out a sentence or has recently been released from prison.
Jalopy: a noun indicating an old, worn-out or dilapidated car. It usually refers to a vehicle that is in disrepair and/or poorly maintained.
Jambalaya: an informal term meaning “a mix or blend of many different elements”. It can be used to describe something with various ingredients, components, or parts that have been combined together.
Jamboree: an informal gathering of people for entertainment, fun, and/or celebration. It is typically used to describe social events such as parties, festivals, or celebrations.
Jamming: an informal term meaning “playing music together”. It typically refers to the act of multiple musicians playing instruments together in order to create a harmonious sound.
Jammy: an adjective meaning “lucky or fortunate”. It is typically used to describe someone who has achieved success with little effort or difficulty.
Jank: an adjective meaning “lacking in quality, not working properly, or of poor quality”. It can also be used to describe people who are unreliable or untrustworthy.
Jargon: a noun indicating a specialized language used by people within a particular field or profession. It is often used to describe words, phrases, and/or concepts that are specific to an industry or occupation.
Jaunt: an informal term indicating a short trip or outing. It is typically used to describe a leisurely excursion that doesn’t require much planning or preparation.
Jauntiness: an informal term indicating a feeling of confidence and/or buoyancy. It is typically used to describe someone who is cheerful, optimistic, and full of enthusiasm.
Jaunty: an adjective indicating a feeling of enthusiasm and/or optimism. It is typically used to describe someone who is cheerful and full of energy.
Jawbreaker: an informal term meaning “word that is difficult to pronounce”. It can be used to describe a word that is complicated and challenging to say correctly.
Jazzle: a verb meaning “to make something more interesting, lively or exciting”. It can also be used to describe someone whose style of dress is flamboyant or flashy.
Jeggings: a combination of jeans and leggings. They are generally made with a stretchy denim-like fabric, which is designed to fit snugly to the body like leggings while having the look of regular jeans.
Jester: an individual who entertains people with jokes, acts, and/or stories. It is typically used to refer to someone who provides comic relief in a situation.
Jibberish: a noun indicating speech that is incomprehensible, nonsensical, or meaningless. It can also be used to describe a conversation or discussion which lacks any real substance.
Jibber-jabber: informal language, which is meaningless, irrelevant, or confusing. It is typically used to describe a conversation or discussion that lacks substance and/or direction.
Jibber-jabberin’: an informal phrase meaning “talking incessantly and making little sense” or “chattering away aimlessly”. It can be used to describe someone who is speaking without saying anything of real importance.
Jibblies: an informal term indicating feelings of uneasiness, worry or dread. It can also be used to describe someone who is feeling anxious or uncertain about something.
Jibes: an informal term meaning “teasing remarks” or “insults”. It can be used to describe the act of making mocking or humorous comments about someone else.
Jiffy: an informal unit of time that usually refers to the length of time it takes for a person to do a simple task or activity. It usually refers to a time frame between one and two minutes.
Jig: an informal term indicating a type of dance. It can be used to describe a lively and energetic style of dancing characterized by quick movements.
Jigaloo: a noun indicating a mess or jumble of things. It can also be used to describe someone who is in disarray and not very organized.
Jigamaree: an old Scottish term meaning “a strange mixture of things”. It can also be used to describe something that is odd or out of the ordinary.
Jigamaroo: a term often used to describe something that is nonsensical, strange, or unexpected. It is typically used in reference to situations or events that occur without warning or explanation.
Jiggery-pokery: a phrase meaning “deceitful behavior or underhanded tactics” that involve deception and trickery.
Jiggy: an adjective meaning “very confident, cool and stylish”. It can also be used to describe someone who is very good at dancing or talking their way out of difficult situations.
Jilleroo: an informal term indicating someone who helps out on a farm. It can be used to describe a person who assists with tasks such as feeding animals and maintaining the land.
Jimmy: an informal term for a key or a tool used to open locks. It can also be used in reference to any type of metal device that is used to unlock something.
Jingle: a verb indicating the act of making a light sound. It can be used to describe small objects that make noise when they are moved or shaken.
Jingles: an informal term indicating a series of repetitive words or phrases. It can be used to describe melodies with catchy, memorable lyrics that are easy to sing along to.
Jink: a verb indicating the act of moving quickly and deftly. It can also be used to describe someone who is able to outmaneuver or evade something with ease.
Jitney: an informal term meaning “cheap, of little value, or lacking quality”. It can also be used to describe something that is not worth the effort or time that is being put into it.
Joke: an expression or statement intended to provoke laughter, amusement, or irony. It is typically used to refer to something said in good humor that has a humorous twist.
Joker: an individual who likes to joke around and have fun. It is typically used to describe someone who enjoys making people laugh or smile.
Jokester: an individual who loves making jokes and telling stories. It is typically used to describe someone who enjoys providing comic relief in a situation.
Jostle: a verb indicating the act of pushing or bumping into someone. It can also be used to describe the act of jostling for position in a crowded area.
Jubilant: an adjective indicating extreme happiness or joy. It is typically used to describe someone who is overjoyed and filled with delight.
Jumpiness: an adjective describing a feeling of uneasiness or tension. It is typically used to refer to someone who appears nervous, agitated, or anxious.
Whether you’re looking for an interesting word to impress your friends, or just wanting to add some humor to your conversations, these words are sure to do the trick.
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