Positive Adjectives – List of 400+ Positive Describing Words
This extensive list of positive adjectives from A to Z can help to inspire more positivity in life.
An adjective is a word that describes, identifies, or quantifies a person or thing. Adjectives usually come before the nouns they modify, but there are also some adjectives that come after the noun.
What are positive adjectives?
Positive adjectives are words that we use to describe someone or something in a positive way.
They are the opposite of negative adjectives and will provide a positive connotation.
- Positive Words List A-Z & How to Use Them More Often!
- 350+ Positive Words to Describe Someone – List of Adjectives
Why do we use positive adjectives?
We use positive adjectives to make the person or thing sound more desirable. For example, if you are trying to sell a house, you might say that it is “beautiful” and “spacious.”
When we describe someone using positive adjectives, we are usually saying good things about them. For example, if you say that someone is “smart” and “hardworking,” you are describing them in a positive way.
If you’re looking for a list of positive adjectives, you’ve come to the right place!
This is a huge list of more than 400 different positive adjectives to describe people and things. You can use these positive words to describe your own good qualities, or someone else’s. There are so many ways to use them!
Positive Adjectives A to Z
Some of the most common positive adjectives are:
- able
- abundant
- accomplished
- accountable
- achiever
- active
- adaptable
- adept
- adventurous
- adventurous
- affectionate
- agile
- alert
- alive
- alluring
- altruistic
- ambitious
- amiable
- analytical
- apologetic
- approachable
- articulate
- artistic
- arty
- assertive
- astute
- attentive
- attractive
- atypical
- authentic
- balanced
- beautiful
- blissful
- bold
- bright
- broad-minded
- calculated
- calm
- campaigner
- candid
- capable
- careful
- caring
- cautious
- chameleon
- changeable
- charismatic
- cheerful
- cheerleader
- cheery
- circumspect
- clever
- collaborative
- committed
- communicative
- compassionate
- competitive
- complicated
- confident
- conscientious
- conservative
- considerate
- considered
- consistent
- constructive
- controversial
- cool
- cooperative
- courageous
- courteous
- creative
- curious
- customer-orientated
- dazzling
- decorated
- delightful
- dependable
- determined
- different
- diligent
- diplomatic
- direct
- discerning
- disciplined
- discrete
- distinctive
- driven
- dutiful
- dynamic
- eager
- earnest
- easy-going
- eccentric
- eclectic
- effective
- efficient
- effusive
- eloquent
- emotional
- empathetic
- enchanting
- encouraging
- energetic
- engaged
- enterprising
- enthusiastic
- entrepreneurial
- erotic
- ethical
- even
- evolved
- exceptional
- excited
- exotic
- extraordinary
- extroverted
- extroverted
- exuberant
- fabulous
- facilitator
- fair
- faithful
- fashionable
- fast
- fast
- fastidious
- fearless
- flamboyant
- flawless
- focused
- formidable
- frank
- friend
- friendly
- fun
- funny
- generous
- genius
- gentile
- gentle
- genuine
- good
- goofy
- gregarious
- groomed
- grounded
- handsome
- haphazard
- hard
- hardworking
- honest
- honorable
- humble
- hygienic
- hysterical
- idealistic
- illustrated
- imaginative
- impartial
- incomparable
- incorruptible
- independent
- individual
- industrious
- initiator
- innovative
- innovator
- insightful
- inspired
- inspiring
- intelligent
- intense
- interesting
- introverted
- intuitive
- inventive
- irregular
- jovial
- joyous
- judicious
- keen
- kind
- knowledgeable
- kooky
- leader
- learner
- level-headed
- lighthearted
- lithe
- logical
- loud
- lovely
- loving
- loyal
- luminous
- magical
- magnanimous
- magnetic
- mature
- mediator
- methodical
- meticulous
- modest
- moral
- motivated
- neat
- neighborly
- nice
- noble
- nonchalant
- nonconformist
- notable
- notary
- noticeable
- objective
- observant
- oddball
- open
- open-minded
- optimistic
- orderly
- organized
- original
- ostentatious
- outlandish
- partial
- particular
- passionate
- patient
- perceptive
- perseverant
- persevering
- persistent
- persuasive
- petite
- pious
- piteous
- playful
- pleasant
- polarising
- polite
- political
- popular
- positive
- powerful
- practical
- precise
- pretty
- principled
- proactive
- productive
- professional
- prudent
- punctual
- purposeful
- quick
- quick-learner
- quick-witted
- quiet
- radiant
- rational
- realistic
- reasonable
- reckless
- reflective
- reliable
- religious
- remarkable
- renegade
- reserved
- resilient
- resourceful
- respected
- respectful
- responsible
- responsive
- revered
- sceptical
- self-assured
- self-aware
- selfless
- self-motivated
- self-starter
- self-sufficient
- sensible
- serene
- shameless
- sharp
- shrewd
- shy
- simple
- sincere
- skilled
- smart
- snowflake
- sociable
- solid
- sophisticated
- special
- spontaneous
- spritely
- stable
- steady
- stellar
- strategic
- striking
- strong
- student
- stunning
- stupefying
- stupendous
- subjective
- subtle
- successful
- sweet
- sympathetic
- systematic
- tactful
- talented
- team-player
- tenacious
- thorough
- thoughtful
- tolerant
- traditional
- tranquil
- tremendous
- trendy
- trusting
- trustworthy
- twisted
- unaffected
- unassuming
- unconventional
- unequaled
- unique
- unpredictable
- unpretentious
- unrivalled
- unsurpassable
- unusual
- upbeat
- versatile
- vibrant
- visionary
- vivacious
- warm
- watchful
- wealthy
- willing
- wise
- witty
- zealous
- zestful
- zesty
Interested in more positive words and uplifting words, be sure to check out: