Positive Words List A-Z & How to Use Them More Often!
Positive words are words that describe something good or desirable and express approval, possibilities and potential.
Why Positive Words Are Important
We have thousands upon thousands of thoughts per day (the research is a little sketchy on a specific number) and we speak an estimated 16,000 words each and every day. *
That’s a lot of words being used.
And while we can’t control all of them, can you imagine the possibilities if we could exponentially increase the positive words we use?
Because positive thoughts and words not only help with improving your outlook and attitude on life, but positive thinking can also reduce stress, improve your health, your relationships, your self-esteem and your overall success in life.
“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”
Mahatma Gandhi
List of Positive Words List A-Z
Below is a comprehensive list of positive words, neatly sorted from A-Z.
While you take a look over them, consider what words you could use more often; in your thoughts, your speech and your writing.
Which words could replace a tired, negative word you currently use too often?
Don’t forget to check out the end of the post, with some useful tips and how to increase the use of these positive words in your everyday life!
Positive words that start with A
- abeam
- abide
- abiding
- ablaze
- able
- abloom
- above
- absolute
- absolutely
- absolve
- absolved
- abstract
- abundance
- abundant
- accelerate
- accelerated
- accelerating
- accept
- acceptable
- acceptance
- accepting
- accessibility
- accessible
- acclaim
- acclaimed
- accommodate
- accommodating
- accommodative
- accomplish
- accomplished
- accomplishing
- accomplishment
- accountability
- accountable
- ace
- aced
- achieve
- achievement
- achiever
- acknowledged
- acquaint
- acquire
- act
- action
- activate
- active
- admirable
- admire
- adore
- adored
- adoring
- advance
- advanced
- advantage
- advantaged
- adventure
- adventurous
- advertise
- advertisement
- advisable
- aesthetic
- aesthetically
- affability
- affable
- affect
- affection
- affectionate
- affirm
- affirmation
- affluent
- alive
- allure
- alluring
- amaze
- amazement
- amazing
- anticipate
- anticipation
- aphrodisiac
- appeal
- appealing
- appreciate
- appreciation
- approval
- approve
- assert
- assertive
- astute
- attitude
- attract
- attractive
- audacious
- authentic
- automate
- autonomous
- awesome
For positive A words with definition, check out: Positive Words That Start With A – With Definitions
Positive words that start with B
- ballsy
- beam
- beaming
- beautiful
- beautify
- beauty
- becoming
- believable
- believe
- believing
- beneficial
- benefits
- best
- beyond
- big
- blasting
- blazing
- bless
- blessed
- blessings
- bliss
- blockbuster
- blossom
- bold
- bombastic
- bonafide
- bonus
- bonzer
- boost
- booster
- boss
- bounce
- boundless
- bountiful
- bounty
- brain
- brain-power
- brainstorm
- brainy
- brainy
- bravado
- brave
- bravely
- bravery
- bravo
- breakout
- breakthrough
- breathless
- breathtaking
- breeze
- breezy
- bright
- brighten
- brightly
- brilliance
- brilliant
- brilliantly
- brimming
- broadminded
- bubble
- build
- builder
- building
- bundle
- buoyant
- buoyantly
- bustling
Positive words that start with C
- calculate
- calculated
- calm
- calmative
- calming
- calmness
- campaigner
- can
- candid
- candidly
- capability
- capable
- capture
- carefree
- careful
- carefully
- caring
- celebrate
- celebration
- centre
- ceremony
- challenge
- champion
- charisma
- chase
- chaser
- cheer
- cheerful
- cheerio
- cheers
- cheery
- cherish
- childish
- chivalry
- chummy
- civil
- clarity
- classic
- classical
- classy
- clear
- clever
- climb
- climber
- climbing
- cognizant
- coherent
- collector
- collegial
- color
- colossal
- colourful
- comfort
- comfortable
- comforter
- command
- commanding
- commit
- commitment
- compassion
- compassionate
- compelling
- competence
- competent
- compliment
- complimentary
- comprehensive
- comrades
- concert
- concise
- concrete
- confidant
- confidence
- confidently
- constant
- constantly
- content
- contribute
- contributor
- convince
- convincing
- cool
- coolest
- cooperate
- cooperatively
- cornerstone
- countless
- courage
- courageousness
- courteous
- courtesy
- coziness
- cozy
- crank
- create
- creating
- creative
- credibility
- credible
- credit
- cuddle
- cultivated
- cute
- cutely
- cuteness
Positive words that start with D
- dance
- dancer
- dandy
- dapper
- dashing
- dazzle
- dazzled
- dear
- dearly
- debonair
- dedicated
- dedication
- deep
- deeper
- deeply
- defiant
- defiantly
- define
- definite
- deliberate
- delicate
- delicately
- delicious
- delight
- delightful
- delightfully
- desirability
- desirable
- determine
- determined
- develop
- developed
- developing
- devoted
- devotee
- devoutly
- dexterity
- diamond
- different
- distinguished
- diverse
- diverting
- divine
- doable
- doer
- dumbfounded
- durability
- durable
- dutiful
- duty
- dynamic
- dynamite
- dynamo
Positive words that start with E
- eager
- eagerly
- early
- earnest
- earnestly
- easing
- easy
- economic
- edit
- educate
- educated
- efficiency
- efficient
- efficiently
- effortless
- effortlessly
- electric
- electricity
- electrify
- electrifying
- elevate
- emotional
- empathetic
- empathy
- empowered
- empowering
- encore
- encourage
- encouraging
- endow
- endowed
- endurance
- endure
- enduring
- energetic
- energize
- energized
- energy
- engage
- engaged
- enriching
- entertain
- entertaining
- entertainment
- enthusiasm
- enthusiastic
- enthusing
- entice
- enticed
- enticing
- entire
- entirely
- especially
- establish
- established
- eternal
- eternally
- ethical
- ethically
- excel
- excellence
- excellent
- excitable
- excite
- excitement
- exclusive
- exclusivity
- exquisite
- extensive
Positive words that start with F
- fabulous
- fabulously
- fair
- fairness
- fame
- family
- fanatic
- fantastic
- fantastical
- fascinate
- fast
- faultless
- favour
- favourite
- fearlessly
- feasible
- feedback
- feel
- fellow
- ferocious
- fertile
- fervently
- festive
- festivity
- fetch
- fetching
- finances
- fine
- finesse
- firm
- firmer
- fitness
- flash
- flaunting
- flirty
- fluency
- fluent
- flutter
- flyer
- flying
- focus
- focused
- fond
- fondly
- foolproof
- forerunner
- foresight
- forever
- fortunate
- fresh
- friend
- friendly
- fulfil
- fulfilled
- full
- fully
- fun
- fundamental
- funny
- future
- futuristic
Positive words that start with G
- gained
- gainfully
- gains
- gallant
- galore
- game
- gamer
- generosity
- generous
- gentle
- gently
- genuine
- genuinely
- giddy
- gift
- gifted
- giggle
- giggling
- giver
- giving
- glad
- gladly
- glam
- glamorous
- glee
- gleeful
- glimmer
- glimmering
- glorification
- glorious
- gloriously
- glow
- glowing
- glutinous
- goal
- good
- gorgeousness
- gourmet
- grace
- graced
- gracious
- grateful
- gratifying
- gratitude
- great
- grounded
- grounding
- grow
- growing
- guarantee
- guardian
- guest
- guidance
- guide
- guided
- guiding
- gumption
- gusto
Positive words that start with H
- habit
- hallelujah
- hallmark
- handy
- happiness
- happy
- hardier
- harmonic
- harmonious
- harmonize
- harmony
- harness
- health
- healthy
- heart
- heaven
- high
- highly
- hilarious
- hilarity
- homely
- honest
- honestly
- honesty
- honorable
- honored
- hopeful
- hopefully
- hopefulness
- hospitable
- host
- hottest
- hug
- huge
- humanely
- humanitarian
- hypersonic
- hypnotic
- hypnotically
Positive words that start with I
- idea
- ideal
- idealism
- idealistic
- ideally
- idolized
- illustrate
- illustrious
- imagination
- imaginative
- imaginatively
- imagine
- immortal
- immune
- impartially
- impassioned
- impress
- impressing
- impressively
- improve
- improvement
- inciting
- increase
- increased
- incredible
- incredibly
- independent
- indomitable
- industrious
- industriously
- informed
- initiate
- initiator
- inner
- innocent
- innovate
- innovation
- innovative
- inquisitive
- insightful
- inspiration
- inspirational
- inspire
- inspired
- inspiring
- intellect
- intelligence
- intelligent
- intent
- intention
- intently
- interact
- intrigue
- intriguingly
- invaluable
- inventor
- invested
- investor
- invite
- inviting
- involve
- involved
- irrefutable
- irreplaceable
- irrepressible
- irresistible
Positive words that start with J
- jest
- jesting
- jointly
- jolly
- jovial
- joy
- joyful
- joyfully
- joyous
- judicious
- juggler
- juggling
- jump
- justice
- justified
- justify
- justly
Positive words that start with K
- keen
- keenly
- keep
- keeper
- kept
- kind
- kindliness
- kindly
- kindred
- kinetic
- king
- kiss
- knowing
- knowingly
- knowledge
- knowledgeable
- kosher
- kudos
Positive words that start with L
- large
- lasting
- laugh
- laughter
- leader
- leads
- learn
- legend
- legit
- legitimate
- lenient
- let
- level
- leverage
- liberating
- liberty
- life
- lift
- lifting
- light
- lighten
- limitless
- live
- lively
- living
- love
- loved
- lovely
- loving
- loyal
- lucidly
- luck
- luckiest
- luckily
- lucky
- lucrative
- lucratively
- luminate
- luminously
- lush
- lust
- lustily
Positive words that start with M
- maestro
- magic
- magical
- magically
- magnetic
- magnetically
- magnificent
- magnify
- magnitude
- major
- majority
- manoeuvrability
- manoeuvrable
- marvel
- marvellous
- massive
- masterful
- mastery
- match
- mature
- maturely
- meaning
- meaningful
- meant
- meditation
- meditative
- melodious
- melody
- memorable
- mercy
- merit
- merit able
- mesmerizing
- metaphysical
- meteoric
- meteorically
- methodical
- meticulous
- meticulously
- mighty
- mindset
- miracle
- miraculous
- momentous
- momentum
- motion
- motivate
- motivating
- motivation
- move
- movement
- mover
- mucho
- mutual
- mutually
- myriad
Positive words that start with N
- namaste
- narrative
- natural
- naturalize
- navigate
- navigated
- navigation
- neat
- neatly
- necessary
- neutral
- new
- nice
- nicely
- nipper
- nirvana
- noble
- nonchalant
- normal
- noted
- noticeably
- notorious
- novel
- novelty
- nurse
- nurture
- nurtured
- nurturing
- nutritious
Positive words that start with O
- objective
- objectively
- obliged
- obliging
- observe
- obsess
- obsessed
- obsession
- obtain
- obtained
- offer
- offering
- official
- onward
- oodles
- oomph
- ooze
- open
- opportune
- optimism
- optimistic
- optimize
- optimized
- optimum
- opulent
- opulently
- order
- orderly
- organic
- organized
- outgoing
- outlasting
- outstanding
- outwit
- outwitted
- ovation
- overjoyed
- overtake
- overtaking
- overtook
- overture
- owner
- owning
Positive words that start with P
- pacifist
- pacify
- painless
- palatable
- participate
- participated
- participation
- partner
- passion
- passionate
- passionately
- pathfinder
- patience
- patient
- peace
- peaceful
- perception
- perceptive
- perkiness
- perky
- perseverance
- persevere
- persevered
- personable
- perspective
- persuasion
- persuasively
- phenomenal
- phenomenally
- picturesque
- pioneer
- pioneering
- planner
- player
- playful
- playfully
- poetic
- poetry
- polite
- politeness
- popular
- popularity
- positive
- possibilities
- possible
- power
- powered
- powerful
- powerfully
- pragmatic
- premier
- premium
- prepare
- prepared
- presence
- present
- prestigious
- presto
- prevail
- pride
- privilege
- privileged
- produce
- productive
- productivity
- prominent
- protect
- protected
- protection
- proud
- provocative
- provocatively
- pumped
- punctual
- pure
- purely
- purify
- purpose
- purposeful
- purposefully
- purveyor
Positive words that start with Q
- quaint
- qualitative
- quality
- quantifiable
- quantity
- que
- queen
- queer
- quest
- quester
- question
- questioning
- quick
- quicken
- quietly
- quintessential
- quip
- quirk
- quite
- quiz
- quotation
- quote
Positive words that start with R
- radiance
- radiant
- radiantly
- radical
- rank
- rapid
- rapidly
- ravenous
- ravish
- ravishing
- reappear
- rebellious
- reclaim
- recognition
- recommend
- recommendations
- recommended
- recover
- redo
- relationship
- relaxing
- reliable
- reliant
- relish
- renew
- renewed
- renovate
- renown
- repeat
- repent
- replenish
- replenishing
- replenishment
- represent
- reputable
- reputation
- research
- resilient
- resiliently
- resonate
- resonating
- resounding
- respect
- respectfully
- rest
- rested
- restful
- restore
- revere
- review
- revived
- revolution
- revolutionize
- revolutionized
- reward
- rewardable
- rewarding
- rhapsody
- rich
- richness
- ridiculous
- ridiculously
- rigorous
- robust
- robustly
- romance
- romantic
- runner
Positive words that start with S
- sacred
- saintly
- salient
- sassy
- satisfied
- satisfies
- satisfy
- satisfying
- scope
- secure
- secured
- security
- seductive
- seek
- seeker
- select
- selection
- selective
- self
- sensational
- sensibility
- sentiment
- sentimental
- sentimentally
- serendipitous
- serendipity
- sexy
- shining
- size
- skilled
- skillful
- skills
- sleek
- smile
- sparkle
- sparkling
- spiritual
- spirituality
- splendid
- spouse
- steadfast
- strong
- success
- successful
- sufficiency
- sufficient
- super
- superb
- superbly
- support
- supported
- supporting
- supportive
- surprise
- surrounded
- surrounding
- swankiest
- swanky
- sway
- sweep
- sweet
- sweetly
- sympathetic
- symptoms
- synergy
- system
- systematic
Positive words that start with T
- tactful
- talent
- talented
- tantalizing
- taught
- teach
- teacher
- teaching
- team
- teammate
- teamwork
- temperate
- tempt
- tenacious
- terrific
- test
- thankful
- thanks
- think
- thinker
- thinking
- thorough
- thought
- thoughtful
- thoughts
- thrifty
- thrillingly
- thrive
- thriving
- time
- tingle
- tirelessly
- titanic
- titillate
- together
- totally
- touchingly
- traction
- tradition
- trailblazer
- tranquil
- tranquility
- transcend
- transform
- transformation
- transformational
- treasure
- treat
- treaty
- trendy
- triumph
- triumphant
- triumphantly
- trophy
- truly
- trust
- trusted
- trustee
- trustful
- trusting
- try
- tutor
- twinkle
Positive words that start with U
- uber
- ultimate
- unabashed
- unafraid
- unarguable
- unassuming
- unbelievable
- uncommon
- undaunted
- understand
- understood
- undivided
- undoubted
- unfazed
- unfeigned
- unforgettable
- unhampered
- unicorn
- unification
- unified
- unimpaired
- unimpeachable
- unique
- unite
- united
- unmatched
- unmistakable
- unobtrusive
- unopposed
- unparalleled
- unpretentious
- unquestionable
- unrestricted
- unshakeable
- unwavering
- upcoming
- upgraded
- upholder
- uplift
- uplifted
- uplifting
- upliftment
- upright
- upward
- usable
- utilize
- utmost
Positive words that start with V
- valid
- validate
- validator
- value
- valued
- values
- vanish
- vary
- vast
- vehemently
- voraciously
- verified
- verify
- versatile
- versatile
- versatility
- veteran
- viable
- vibrant
- victory
- vigor
- vindicate
- vintage
- virile
- vital
- vitality
- viva
- vivacious
- vogue
- voila
- voyage
- vroom
- vulnerability
- valuable
- value
Positive words that start with W
- wake
- waken
- want
- wanted
- warm
- warm
- warmly
- warmth
- wash
- watch
- water
- wave
- wealth
- wealthiness
- welfare
- well
- whimsical
- whip
- whirl
- whiz
- whole
- wholeness
- wholesome
- whoopee
- whopper
- whopping
- wiggle
- willingly
- windfall
- winners
- winning
- wins
- wise
- wishful
- within
- wizardly
- wonder
- wonderful
- wonderfully
- wonderment
- wonderous
- wonders
- wondrous
- wondrously
- wooer
- work
- workable
- worked
- worth
- worthily
- worthiness
- worthwhile
- worthy
- wowed
- wowing
- wrap
Positive words that start with X
- xenagogue
- xenial
- xenium
- x-factor
- x-ray
Positive words that start with Y
- yah
- yearn
- yearning
- yes
- yield
- yippee
- young
- younger
- youth
- youthful
- yum
- yummy
Positive words that start with Z
- zaniness
- zany
- zappy
- zealous
- zest
- zestful
- zesty
- zing
- zippy
Unique Positive Words
This following list is just an example of some positive words that are also quite unique – not used often, but bright and positive:
- benevolent – kind and well meaning.
- convivial – friendly and cheerful.
- crescendo – increasing in intensity.
- effervescent – energetic and vivacious.
- elixir – magical concoction.
- epiphany – a sudden realization.
- ethereal – delicate, exquisite or celestial.
- extraordinaire – someone who is outstanding at something.
- extraordinary – remarkable and unusual.
- flourishing – thriving and developing.
- idealistic – aiming for perfection.
- incomparable – without an equal.
- ineffable – too good to be explained.
- juggernaut – a powerful force.
- kismet – fate or destiny.
- lollapalooza – particularly impressive.
- luminescent – emitting light.
- magnanimous – generous or forgiving with others.
- phenomenal – remarkable or exceptional.
- schmooze – friendly or lively talk.
- scrumdiddlyumptious – extremely tasty or attractive.
- serendipity – an occurrence by happy chance.
- skedaddle – move quickly.
- smorgasbord – a wide range of something.
- tranquil – calm and free from disturbance.
- unparalleled – exceptional and having no equal.
- vamoose – move quickly.
- verve – spirit and enthusiasm.
Tips for increasing the use of these inspirational words in your everyday life:
- Update your passwords to include a positive word. Imagine what typing ‘success888’ multiple times a day, versus ‘spot91’ can do for your positive thoughts.
- Create a list of affirmations based on positive things you want to focus on in your life.
- Learn what words and phrases you use a lot. Ask those closest to you or even record yourself. You will find that you have recurring phrases and words, and perhaps some of these could use a more positive spin on them. For example, I caught myself repeatedly using the phrase ‘I’m so busy…’, ‘I have to exercise’.
- Keep a daily gratitude journal – a quick and simple way to ensure you are physically writing down positive words each day, because it’s impossible to be grateful without being positive!
- Frame some inspirational words and quotes around your home, even post-it notes work well!
- Check yourself: don’t say anything to yourself that you wouldn’t say to a friend or loved one. Use this as a measure.
- Re-frame words and descriptions for things: the ‘never-ending to-do list’ can become the ‘today I get to list’. Simple shifts that make a big difference mentally.
- Create a vision board, using your favourite positive words and sayings.
- Change your screensavers, on your computer and phone, to include positive words, quotes, sayings and pictures.
- Write a focus word on your bathroom mirror.
- Acknowledge that you have choices and freedom.
- Meditate. Check out this free app for affirmations and meditations in varying lengths.
- Flood your mind with positive thoughts by watching inspirational movies and speeches, listen to inspiring songs and read positive books.
- If you spend time with small children, learn to stop and notice how they are naturally positive, inquisitive and have a ‘get on with it’ type attitude to life. They are excited by the small, simple things in life and they can always teach us adults to remember the little wonders in life.
- Subscribe to a word of the day app or email series.
- Write lines like you did at school. But make sure they are positive, uplifting statements that nourish your mind.
This is by no means a complete list of positive words and will be added to constantly. I love to hear of suggestions for the list, so be sure to let me know below:
1. The 70,000 Thoughts Per Day Myth?
2. Are Women Really More Talkative Than Men?
- 6 Inspirational Words That Are Powerful On Their Own
- Positive Outlook – How to Get and Keep A More Positive Attitude
- 22 Positive Quotes That Will Improve Your Day
- Motivational Words: Speeches, Poems & Quotes That Inspire
- Motivational Words List: 200+ Single Words That Motivate!
- Word Of The Year Ideas
- 350+ Positive Words to Describe Someone