6 Of The Best Motivational Speeches – All Under 10 Minutes!

Motivational speeches are some of the best ways to give you a quick boost. Here are some great ideas, all quick and inspiring so you can get back onto your day!

It might just be one of those days.

Sometimes we just need an extra little ‘nudge’, or to flood our busy minds with some inspiration and positivity. And a change in perspective and some new ideas always help too.

Sometimes a great book or a chat with your partner or friend will do it. 

But, if you’re short on time and looking for a burst to inspire and motivate you, check out these 6 motivational TED talks.

All these motivational speeches are under 10 minutes long, so grab a cup of coffee and hide from the world for a little bit. You will be glad you did!

Short Motivational Talks:


1 – Matt Cutts – Try something new for 30 days (3:27)

Have you been wanting to try something new? Challenge yourself:

“I guarantee you the next 30 days are going to pass whether you like it or not, so why not think about something you have always wanted to try and give it a shot! For the next 30 days.”



​If you’re inspired to try your own 30 Day Challenge, see the end of the post for some ideas and a free 30 Day Challenge Tracker.


2 – Amy Purdy – Living Beyond Limits (9:36)

Faced with a sudden and devastating illness, Amy Purdy faced many challenges ahead. But the way in which she chose to go forward in her life is an inspiration.

“And this is when I learned that our borders and our obstacles can only do two things: one, stop us in our tracks or two, force us to get creative”


3 – Candy Chang – Before I die I want to…(6:20)

Experiencing grief, many abandoned buildings and the need to find meaning in life, Candy Chang started a wonderful community project that has now spread around the world!

“It’s about knowing you’re not alone; it’s about understanding our neighbors in new and enlightening ways; it’s about making space for reflection and contemplation, and remembering what really matters most to us as we grow and change.”



4 – Boniface Mwangi – The day I stood up alone (7:20)

Angry and frustrated by the violence and corruption in his country, Boniface Mwangi chose to speak up at a political speech. He was arrested and assaulted. Despite this, he continues to speak up in order to bring change. 

“In spite of being arrested, beaten up, threatened, the moment I discovered my voice, that I could actually stand up for what I really believed in, I’m no longer afraid. I used to be called softy, but I’m no longer softy, because I discovered who I really am, as in, that’s what I want to do, and there’s such beauty in doing that. There’s nothing as powerful as that, knowing that I’m meant to do this,because you don’t get scared, you just continue living your life.”


5 – Ron Gutman – The Hidden Power of Smiling (7:27)

Smiling is good for you, it’s contagious and you’re more likely to smile around children. It’s great for your marriage, makes you more likable, better looking and appear more competent.

Win, win, win!


6 – Matthew O’Reilly – “Am I dying?” The Honest Answer (5:33)

Matthew O’Reilly is a critical care EMT. He speaks about his experience with those patients who will not survive their emergency situation. The concept of impending doom and the inner peace and acceptance of his patients is both eerie and inspiring.

He notes three recurring themes: the regret & forgiveness, the need to be remembered and the need to know that their life had meaning.


There are of course many more inspiring TED motivational talks, many a lot longer than these if you have time to check them out.

I would love to hear which other motivational speeches about life that you find inspiring.

Related Post: No Motivation? 10 Tips to Get You Back on Track With Your Goals

​​8 Short Motivational Speeches – For A Quick Boost!​​​

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  1. I love listening to TedTalks. Especially, when I am doing some thing mundane physically, so I can still engage the mind. I’m putting these on my playlist. My favorite two are Elizabeth Gilbert “Finding your elusive creative genius” and Shonda Rhimes “My year of saying Yes!” (I might improperly quote the title as I was doing it on top of my head) 🙂

    1. TED talks are great aren’t they! And so diverse. Yes, I love the Elizabeth Gilbert talks and I need to check out Shonda Rhimes – thanks!

  2. I really love this article, I have learned a lot from this article, and is very inspiring and informative.

    thank you.

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