175+ Big Words To Describe Someone

This post will talk about big words to describe someone. We will go over some of the most popular adjectives and adverbs, as well as synonyms for “big.” Be sure to make use of them in your writing or spoken word, especially if you’re describing a person!

Just a few synonyms for ‘big‘ include:

  • enormous
  • expansive
  • vast
  • giant
  • extreme
  • gigantic
  • large

However, if you’re looking for words to describe someone that are ‘big’ in the number of letters they include, then the following list will help, but remember -people often use these words differently, depending on the person’s physical appearance, their style, or their character traits.

Big Words To Describe Someone

Whether you’re playing scrabble for keeps or you want to find some more interesting words to use to describe someone else, this epic list will help:


  • accomplished


  • adaptable


  • adventurous


  • affectionate


  • agreeable


  • alluring


  • amazing


  • ambitious


  • amenable


  • amiable


  • approachable


  • argumentative


  • assertive


  • astute


  • attentive


  • authentic


  • awesome


  • beautiful


  • bountiful


  • brilliant


  • captivating


  • charismatic


  • charming


  • chivalrous


  • competitive


  • confident


  • confusing


  • considerate


  • cooperative


  • courageous


  • curvaceous


  • dazzling


  • delightful


  • detailed


  • determined


  • detestable


  • diligent


  • diplomatic


  • distinctive


  • domineering


  • dreadful


  • dumbfounding


  • dynamic


  • eccentric


  • eclectic


  • educated


  • efficient


  • effusive


  • elegant


  • eloquent


  • emotional


  • enchanting


  • energetic


  • engaged


  • engaging


  • enormous


  • enterprising


  • entertaining


  • enthusiastic


  • euphoric


  • excellent


  • exhibitionist


  • expansive


  • experienced


  • extreme


  • extroverted


  • fabulous


  • faithful


  • favorable


  • flamboyant


  • flawed


  • flawless


  • flexible


  • focused


  • formidable


  • fortuitous


  • friendly


  • generous


  • genuine


  • gigantic


  • glamorous


  • gleaming


  • glistening


  • glittering


  • glowing


  • graceful


  • gravelly


  • gregarious


  • grotesque


  • grumpy


  • gullible


  • hardworking


  • helpful


  • humorous


  • hysterical


  • idealistic


  • imaginative


  • incredible


  • indefatigable


  • independent


  • industrious


  • inquisitive


  • insightful


  • insignificant


  • inspiring


  • insufferable


  • intelligent


  • intolerable


  • introverted


  • jubilant


  • knowledgeable


  • lethargic


  • loquacious


  • lustrous


  • magical


  • magnificent


  • marvelous


  • motivated


  • narcissistic


  • optimistic


  • organized


  • ostentatious


  • outstanding


  • passionate


  • peaceful


  • persistent


  • personable


  • petrifying


  • philosophical


  • polarizing


  • pragmatic


  • proficient


  • psychotic


  • punctual


  • qualified


  • ravishing


  • reckless


  • remarkable


  • resourceful


  • responsible


  • romantic


  • rousing


  • sensible


  • shimmering


  • skeptical


  • sparkling


  • spectacular


  • spiteful


  • stunning


  • stupefying


  • stupendous


  • technological


  • thorough


  • truculent


  • trustworthy


  • twinkling


  • unassuming


  • unforgettable


  • unforgiving


  • unmotivated


  • unnerving


  • unsightly


  • untrustworthy


  • versatile


  • vibrant


  • virtuous


  • vivacious


  • volatile


  • warm-hearted


  • wondrous



If you’re looking for more interesting lists of words, be sure to check out these posts too:

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