Cool Words That Start With M (With Definitions)

This list of cool words all start with the letter M.

Cool words are interesting, unique, and often carry a certain connotation or cultural significance that make them stand out from the crowd.

In this case, we’re exploring cool words that start with M, ranging from manifesto and mischievous to manifesting and metamorphosis.

cool words that start with m

Cool Words That Start With M

Machinate: to scheme or plan something, often with a negative or underhanded goal in mind.

Machination: a scheming or crafty action intended to accomplish a sinister goal.

Machismo: an exaggerated sense of masculinity or male pride, often associated with a macho culture.

Maelstrom: a powerful whirlpool or chaotic situation.


Magnanimous: generous and forgiving, especially towards a rival or enemy.

Magniloquent: using high-flown or grandiose language, often in a pompous or self-important way.

Magnitude: the size or extent of something, especially in terms of importance or impact.


Malleable: easily shaped or moulded, often used to describe a material or a person’s character or opinions.

Manifest: easily understandable or obvious, often used to describe something that is visible or tangible.

Manifesting: the act of bringing something into existence or reality, often through visualization or positive thinking.

Manifesto: a public declaration of principles or goals, often used in the context of political or artistic movements.

Maverick: an independent-minded person who goes against the norm.


Melancholy: a feeling of sadness or depression, often without any apparent cause.

Meliorism: the belief that the world can be improved through human effort or progress.

Mellifluous: pleasing to the ear, with a smooth and sweet sound.

Mellow: relaxed, calm, and easy-going, often used to describe a person’s personality or a relaxing atmosphere.


Mellower: a state of being calm and gentle, often used to describe someone who has become more relaxed with age.

Mercurial: unpredictable or volatile, often used to describe someone’s temperament or personality.

Mesmerize: to capture someone’s attention or imagination, often through hypnotic or enchanting means.

Metamorphosis: a transformation or change in form, often used to describe a physical or psychological transformation.


Metaphor: a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is used to represent something else.

Meticulous: extremely careful and precise, often used to describe someone who pays great attention to detail.

Mindful: being aware or conscious of something, often used in the context of mindfulness meditation or mental health practices.

Misanthrope: a person who dislikes or distrusts other people or society as a whole.


Mischievous: playful or teasing, often used to describe someone who enjoys harmless pranks or mischief.

Mitigate: to make something less severe, intense or painful.

Modicum: a small amount or quantity of something, often used in the context of praise or criticism.

Modish: stylish or fashionable, often used to describe a trend or aesthetic.


Momentous: of great importance or significance, often used to describe an event or decision that will have a lasting impact.

Monolithic: large and unchanging, without any variation or diversity.

Monomania: an obsessive or exaggerated interest in a single thing or idea, often to the exclusion of all else.

Moody: prone to frequent or unpredictable changes in mood, often used to describe someone who is irritable, gloomy, or temperamental.

Moratorium: a temporary ban or suspension of an activity or law.


Moribund: in a state of decline or approaching death.

Morose: sullen or gloomy, often used to describe someone who is unhappy or depressed.

Morph: to change or transform, often used to describe a physical change in shape or appearance but can also refer to a change in attitude or behavior.

Mortify: to cause someone to feel shame or embarrassment, often through public humiliation.

Motivating: inspiring or encouraging someone to take action or achieve a goal, often through words or actions that instil confidence or determination.


Multifaceted: having many different aspects or dimensions, often used to describe something complex or diverse.

Multilingual: fluent or proficient in multiple languages, often used to describe a person or a community that speaks more than one language.

Munificence: generosity or largesse, often used to describe a person’s charitable or philanthropic acts.

Munificent: very generous, especially with money or gifts.

Muse: a source of inspiration or creative influence, often used to describe a person who inspires an artist or writer.

Myriad: a vast or immense number of things or ideas, often used to describe something that is difficult to count or categorize.


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