200+ Words To Describe A Book – Adjectives To Describe Any Book
Words To Describe A Book
There are a myriad of words that can be used to describe a book, depending on the genre and the feelings it provokes from individual readers.
To name just a few, a book can be gripping, unputdownable, page-turner, thought-provoking, relatable, heart-warming, and many more.
A book can also be described by its genre. For instance, if it is a mystery, it can be suspenseful, while a romance might be described as heart-warming.
Some words are more positive than others, and some can even be seen as negative. Basically though, it comes down to opinion and what a reader personally feels about a book.
There are no wrong answers when it comes to describing a book, because ultimately, it is up to the reader to decide what they think.
Here’s an epic list of more than 200 adjectives to describe a book you may have read recently.
List of Adjectives to Describe A Book
- absorbing
- acclaimed
- addictive
- advanced
- adventurous
- aloof
- ambitious
- artistic
- astonishing
- autobiographical
- believable
- biblical
- biographical
- biography
- bold
- boring
- bright
- brilliant
- candid
- cerebral
- charming
- cheerful
- childlike
- classic
- classical
- coherent
- colorful
- comforting
- comic
- comical
- coming-of-age
- complicated
- confusing
- conversational
- creepy
- cultural
- current
- dangerous
- daring
- dark
- deceitful
- deep
- definitive
- delightful
- descriptive
- devious
- diverse
- dreary
- dull
- dynamic
- edgy
- educational
- elevating
- eloquent
- emotional
- emotive
- empowering
- engaging
- engrossing
- entertaining
- enticing
- epic
- erotic
- erratic
- evocative
- exceptional
- exciting
- exhilarating
- expressive
- exquisite
- extraordinary
- factual
- fanciful
- fast
- fast paced
- fictional
- figurative
- first-person
- flexible
- fluid
- fresh
- fun
- funny
- futuristic
- gripping
- gross
- gruesome
- happy
- haunting
- heartbreaking
- hilarious
- historical
- horrific
- humorous
- icky
- illustrated
- infused
- inquisitive
- insightful
- inspiring
- intense
- intensive
- introspective
- intuitive
- inventive
- ironic
- lame
- light
- literal
- lyrical
- meandering
- meaningful
- memorable
- modern
- motivating
- moving
- mystical
- nail biting
- narrative
- non-fiction
- nonsensical
- noticeable
- novel
- nuanced
- obvious
- odd
- offbeat
- original
- page-turning
- paradoxical
- passionate
- peaceful
- personal
- plagiaristic
- playful
- polite
- ponderous
- popular
- potent
- powerful
- predictable
- prequel
- profound
- promotional
- pure
- real
- realistic
- redundant
- repetitive
- resourceful
- rhetorical
- revealing
- rich
- riveting
- romantic
- rousing
- sad
- safe
- sarcastic
- satisfying
- scary
- sensory
- sensual
- serene
- series
- shallow
- silly
- simple
- skilled
- smart
- sophisticated
- spectacular
- spellbinding
- spiritual
- sublime
- successful
- superb
- surprising
- surreal
- suspenseful
- sweet
- symbolic
- tall
- tasteful
- terrifying
- third person
- thoughtful
- thought-provoking
- thriller
- thrilling
- timeless
- topical
- traditional
- tragic
- triumphant
- unbelievable
- unexpected
- unique
- unique
- universal
- unpredictable
- unsure
- vibrant
- visionary
- vivid
- whimsical
- wholesome
- witty
No matter what words you use to describe a book, it is ultimately up to the reader to decide how they feel about it. There are no wrong answers, because everyone will have a different opinion.
Reading should be enjoyable, so find books that make you happy and use whatever words you like to describe them!
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