Words That Start With E (With Definitions)

This list of words that start with E includes definitions to help you learn the context and meaning of each word.

The letter E is one of the most commonly used letters in the English language, so it’s no wonder that there are so many different words that also begin with E. From everyday items to more abstract concepts, these words can help you explain and describe different aspects of life.


Read on to find some of the most common words starting with E and their definitions.

Words That Start With E

Eager: feeling a strong desire or enthusiasm for something.

Ear: the part of the body that receives sound waves and transmits them to the brain.

Early: happening or done before the usual or expected time.

Earn: to obtain something, often money or respect, as a result of one’s efforts or work.

Earth: the planet we live on, the third planet from the sun.

Earthquake: A sudden shaking of the ground caused by a release of energy from within the Earth’s crust.

Ease: a state of being comfortable, relaxed, or free from pain or difficulty; also, to make something easier or less difficult.

East: the direction in which the sun rises; one of the four cardinal directions.

Easter: a Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus.

Easy: not difficult; requiring little effort or exertion.

Eat: to consume food through the mouth.

Echo: a sound that is repeated because it is bounced back off a surface.

Eclipse: an astronomical event in which the shadow of one celestial body falls on another; also, a situation in which one thing is overshadowed by another.

Economic: relating to the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth and resources.

Economy: The wealth, resources, and financial activities of a country or region.

Edge: the outermost part or margin of something; also, a sharp or pointed part of a blade or tool.

Edit: to revise or make changes to a written or recorded work, often for the purpose of improving or refining it.

Education: The process of teaching and learning skills, knowledge, and values in a school or other institution.

Effect: a result or consequence of an action or event; also, to cause something to happen or come into being.

Efficient: achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.

Effort: An attempt to do something difficult or challenging; exertion of strength or power.

Egg: A reproductive cell produced by females in most species that contains the genetic information necessary for development into an offspring after being fertilized by a male cell.

Eight: the number following seven and preceding nine.

Either: used to refer to one of two things or possibilities; also, used to indicate a choice between two options.

Elaborate: detailed or complex; also, to add more detail or information to something.

Elastic: able to stretch and return to its original shape or size; also, able to adapt or adjust to changing circumstances.

Elder: a person who is older than oneself or in a position of seniority; also, a tree or shrub of the genus Sambucus.

Electric: powered by electricity; having to do with electricity.

Electronic: relating to or using electronic devices, circuits, or systems; also, transmitted or stored electronically.

Elegant: tasteful and stylish in appearance or manner; also, simple and concise in expression.

Element: a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means; also, a component or part of a larger whole.

Elephant: a large, gray mammal with a long trunk, floppy ears, and two curved tusks.

Elevate: to raise or lift up to a higher position or level; also, to improve or enhance something.

Eleven: the number following ten and preceding twelve.

Eligible: meeting the requirements or qualifications for something, often an opportunity or position.

Eliminate: to remove or get rid of something completely; also, to exclude or disqualify someone from consideration.

Elite: a group of people considered to be the best or most skilled in a particular field or activity; also, exclusive or superior.

Elite: a select group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities.

Embarrass: to cause someone to feel self-conscious or ashamed, often by exposing a weakness or mistake.

Embrace: to hold closely in one’s arms; also, to accept or adopt something willingly.

Emergence: the process of becoming visible or apparent; also, the appearance or arrival of something new or significant.

Emergency: a sudden, unexpected situation that requires immediate action.

Emit: to send out or give off (something, usually gas or radiation).

Emotion: A strong feeling such as joy, fear, anger, love, etc., which influences behavior and thought processes and

Empire: a group of countries or territories under the control of a single ruler or government.

Employ: to hire someone to work for pay.

Empty: containing nothing; having no contents.

Enable: to give someone or something the ability or opportunity to do something.

Enact: to make into law or put into effect.

Encourage: to give someone support, confidence, or hope.

End: the final part of something; the conclusion.

Endure: to withstand or tolerate something difficult or unpleasant.

Enemy: a person or group that is opposed to or hostile towards another.

Energy: the capacity for doing work or producing heat or light.

Engineer: a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or structures.

English: the language spoken in England and many other countries.

Enhance: to improve or augment the quality, value, or attractiveness of something.

Enjoy: to take pleasure in or experience something with satisfaction.

Enormous: very large in size, quantity, or degree.

Enough: an adequate quantity or amount.

Ensure: to make certain that something will happen or be the case.

Enter: to come or go into a place.

Enthusiasm: intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.

Entice: to attract or tempt by offering.

Entire: whole or complete; not divided or broken into parts.

Entitle: to give someone the right to do or have something.

Entrance: a way into a place, such as a door or gate.

Envelope: a flat paper container used to enclose and send letters or documents.

Environment: the natural world around us, including all living and nonliving things.

Envy: a feeling of discontent or resentment towards someone else’s achievements, possessions, or success.

Epic: heroic or grand in scale or character.

Episode: a distinct part of a larger story, often a television show or podcast.

Equal: having the same quantity, size, value, or status as something else.

Equip: to provide with the necessary items or tools for a particular purpose or task.

Era: a period of time in history that is defined by a particular event or characteristic.

Erase: to remove or delete something completely.

Errand: a short trip taken to perform a specific task or chore.

Error: a mistake or incorrect action or decision.

Escape: to get away from a dangerous or unpleasant situation.

Especially: particularly; more than usual or expected.

Essay: a piece of writing on a particular subject, often assigned as homework or in school.

Establish: to set up or create something, often a business or organization.

Estate: a large piece of property, often with a large house or mansion on it.

Estimate: to make an approximate calculation or judgement about something.

Ethics: a set of moral principles that guide behavior or decision-making.

Ethnic: relating to a particular cultural or racial group.

Europe: the continent located to the east of North America and to the west of Asia.

Evaluate: to assess or judge the quality, value, or importance of something.

Even: flat, level, or smooth; also, used to indicate equality or balance.

Event: a planned or organized occasion, often with a specific purpose or theme.

Eventually: at some point in the future; in the end.

Evidence: facts, information, or signs that support a claim or argument.

Evil: morally wrong or wicked; harmful or injurious.

Evoke: to bring to mind or summon a memory, feeling, or response.

Evolution: the gradual development and change of something over time.

Exact: precise or accurate; also, to demand or require something.

Exaggerate: to overstate or magnify something beyond its true or reasonable limits.

Exam: a formal test of knowledge or ability, often in school or for a professional certification.

Examine: to inspect or scrutinize something closely or carefully.

Example: a particular instance or illustration of something.

Excellent: very good or outstanding in quality or value.

Except: not including or other than; also, to object to or reject something.

Exchange: to trade or give in return for something else.

Excite: to stir up or arouse strong feelings or emotions, such as joy or enthusiasm.

Exclusive: limited to a particular person or group; not available to others.

Excuse: a reason or explanation given to justify or pardon a mistake, offense, or failure.

Execute: to carry out or perform a task or plan; also, to put to death as a punishment.

Exercise: physical activity done to improve health, strength, or endurance.

Exhaust: to use up completely or completely drain of energy or resources.

Exhibit: to display or present something in a public setting, such as a museum or gallery.

Exist: to be real or have actual being.

Exit: a way out or a point of departure from a particular place.

Exotic: originating from or characteristic of a distant foreign country; unusual or strikingly different.

Expand: to make larger or more extensive; to increase in size, volume, or scope.

Expect: to anticipate or look forward to something happening; to demand or require something to be done.

Experience: the knowledge and skill acquired through practical involvement in something; also, an event or activity that one has encountered or undergone.

Expert: a person who is highly skilled or knowledgeable in a particular field or subject.

Explain: to make something clear or understandable by describing or giving reasons for it.

Explicit: clearly stated or expressed; leaving no room for doubt or confusion.

Explore: to travel through an unfamiliar area to learn more about it; to investigate or examine thoroughly.

Express: to communicate or convey a thought or feeling through words, actions, or art.

Extend: to make something longer, wider, or more spacious; to offer or grant something to someone.

Extra: additional or more than usual; also, a minor character in a movie or TV show.

Extract: to remove or take out something, often by force or effort; also, a concentrated substance obtained from a plant or other natural material.

Extreme: very intense, severe, or beyond the normal or reasonable limit.

Eye: the organ of sight in humans and many animals; also, a small hole or opening in a surface through which one can see.


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