
Loyalty Quotes & Sayings (For Friends & Relationships)

What is loyalty?

Loyalty is having someone’s back. Through the good times and the bad, it’s being a faithful friend, partner or family member. It’s being honest, kind, trustworthy, supportive and having the person’s best interest at heart.

It means different things for different types of relationships of course. You can be loyal to your partner, loyal to your friend, loyal to your family, loyal to your employer, loyal to a team, brand and even a supermarket.

True loyalty is rare and sacred. It also hurts when it’s broken (*Not so much the supermarket example; it’s okay, they won’t even notice!)


Quotes About Loyalty


“Be loyal to those who are not present. In doing so, you build the trust of those who are present.” Stephen Covey


“I have a loyalty that runs in my bloodstream, when I lock into someone or something, you can’t get me away from it because I commit that thoroughly. That’s in friendship, that’s a deal, that’s a commitment. Don’t give me paper – I can get the same lawyer who drew it up to break it. But if you shake my hand, that’s for life.” Jerry Lewis


“Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence.” Colin Powell


“A person who deserves my loyalty receives it.” Joyce Maynard


“The test of good citizenship is loyalty to country.” Bainbridge Colby


“I’ll take fifty percent efficiency to get one hundred percent loyalty.” Samuel Goldwyn


“I place an enormous premium on loyalty. If someone betrays me, I can forgive them rationally, but emotionally I have found it impossible to do so.” Richard E. Grant


“The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty, character, integrity, faith, love and loyalty.” Zig Ziglar


“I take things like honor and loyalty seriously. It’s more important to me than any materialistic thing or any fame I could have.” Lloyd Banks


“Loyalty that is bought with money, may be overcome by money.” Seneca


“Where there is loyalty, weapons are of no use.” Paulo Coelho


“Loyalty to the family must be merged into loyalty to the community, loyalty to the community into loyalty to the nation, and loyalty to the nation into loyalty to mankind. The citizen of the future must be a citizen of the world.” Thomas Cochrane


Quotes About Loyal Friends


“When people show loyalty to you, you take care of those who are with you. It’s how it goes with everything. If you have a small circle of friends, and one of those friends doesn’t stay loyal to you, they don’t stay your friend for very long.” John Cena


“Be loyal and trustworthy. Do not befriend anyone who is lower than yourself in this regard.” Confucius


“I don’t like to give up on people when they need someone not to give up on them.” Carroll Bryant


Loyalty is my favorite quality in a ‘bestie.’ Carmen Carrera


“What I value most in my friends is loyalty.” David Mamet


“You cannot get me to be disloyal to a friend. You just can’t do it. Loyalty is a part of what I live by. I didn’t say I was going to be loyal to my friend because he was right. I’m going to be loyal to my friend because he’s my friend.” Jim Brown


“I look for these qualities and characteristics in people. Honesty is number one, respect, and absolutely the third would have to be loyalty.”  Summer Altice



“Loyalty isn’t grey. It’s black and white. You’re either loyal completely, or not loyal at all.” Sharnay


Loyalty Quotes for Relationships


You give loyalty, you’ll get it back. You give love, you’ll get it back. Tommy Lasorda


“Honesty and loyalty are key. If two people can be honest with each other about everything, that’s probably the biggest key to success.” Taylor Lautner


“I have my own high standards for what I want in a partner and how I want to be treated. I bring a lot to the table. I’m not talking about material things but what I have to offer as a person – love and loyalty and all the things that make a good relationship.” Jennifer Lopez


“Loyalty is the strongest glue which makes a relationship last for a lifetime.” Mario Puzo


“Those who are faithful know only the pleasures of love: it is the faithless who know love’s tragedies.” Oscar Wilde


“Let’s not forget it’s you and me vs. the problem… Not you vs. me.” Steve Maraboli


“The strength of a family, like the strength of an army, is in its loyalty to each other.” Mario Puzo


“A relationship without trust is like a car without gas, you can stay in it all you want, but it won’t go anywhere.” Unknown


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